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Senior High Coordinator Job Description


Works with OMGBA Senior High Coordinators/Commissioners and other NWSHL commissioners and coordinators (Brooklyn Area, Champlin Park).


Report monthly to the board - Give an over-all update of how things are going.


  1. Estimate the number of teams for uniforms and equipment
  2. Attend a fall NWSHL meeting

October - Use registration list to obtain all necessary coaches


  1. Obtain copy of the registration list for each grade after the Senior High teams have been selected (get Senior High rosters from Athletic Departments at Maple Grove and Osseo Senior Highs).
  2. Use registration list to obtain any necessary coaches
  3. Provide high school coaches with registration information on OMGBA to provide to players that do not make the high school teams.
  4. Prepare for tryout/draft held on the first Sunday of December - *pennies - try-out forms - equipment/uniforms - draft info).


  1. Attend a NWSHL coordination meeting before any draft to select the number of teams from each community by division and gender.
  2. Practices - as many as can be placed between the draft date and holiday break
  3. Prepare for coaches meeting (held the first week of January- before the first game)
  4. Keeping in mind that even numbers of three and separating the girls from boys, for referees
  5. Distribute practice schedules

January - February

  1. Attend all Jamboree and End of Season tournaments as well as All-Star Event.
  2. Distribute practice schedules 
  3. Create Bracketts with seeding
  4. Organize End-of-Season Tournament (Boys and Girls)
  5. Work with Commissioner to determine shirt order for both Jamboree and End of Season


  1. Hold End of the Season Tournament
  2. Supervise Tournament
  3. Address any problems at the tournament